Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Did You Know Facebook Does Things for You, They Didn’t Before?

The new changes in Facebook are taking some getting used to.  Some are evident, but others are hardly noticeable.
Recent I was checking out what fellow RTV/Dealers were doing, hoping I’d get inspired to do something more.  While I was following the links to check out their businesses and actually see what their website and business Facebook page looks like, I noticed that the current employer link went to a blank page on many. 
Sometime back I had built a custom Local Business page for my company powerplaymmp.  Sometimes I use powerplaymmp or powerplaymmp.com or the full name Power Play Multi Media Productions, same thing or different variations.  Anyway the point is on your info tab, Facebook links your current employer to a “Like” page for the exact spelling of your employer. 

I changed my current employer to the exact spelling of my custom Local Business page (Power Play Multimedia Productions - powerplaymmp.com) and the link went directly to where I wanted it to.  There was all the bells and whistles I had created.  Still needs work, but at least you could see MY company page on Facebook and not a blank page.

Interesting.  Something you might want to think about.

Sandra Gibson
Power Play Multi Media Productions
South Central Michigan RTV Virtual Tours